Generate Megasol Public Key Token

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The PublicKeyTokenGenerator class and a small utility that generates Public Key Token from the Public Key using that class. Public Key Token is used by the.Net runtime in lot of places but its generation algorithm is not clearly mentioned in the documentation. Sep 21, 2006 The PublicKeyToken value is that public key. A strong-named assembly's public key token can be found with the 'sn.exe' utility (which ships with the.NET Framework SDK) with the '-T' switch. The 'sn.exe' utility is primarily used to generate and manage strong name keys, and sign assemblies.- Dan. RandomKeygen is a free mobile-friendly tool that offers randomly generated keys and passwords you can use to secure any application, service or device. KEY RandomKeygen - The Secure Password & Keygen Generator. The SSH key needs to be added to Bitbucket Server, and your Bitbucket Server administrator must have enabled SSH access to Git repositories, before you can make use of the key. Bitbucket Server supports DSA, RSA2, and Ed25519 key types. RSA1 is not supported.

Communicate securely with a DEP web service, using a server token.


The device enrollment program (DEP) uses a server token to allow a Mobile Device Management (MDM) server to securely communicate with a DEP web service.

Get a DEP Server Token

To get a DEP server token, the user must complete the following steps. The MDM server product can help by automating some of the steps.

  1. Generate a public/private key pair in Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) format for the MDM server, and store the private key securely on the server.

  2. Sign into the DEP web portal.

  3. Create a new virtual MDM server.

  4. Upload a PEM-encoded X.509 certificate that contains the public key generated in step 1.

  5. Download the S/MIME-encrypted (Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) token file generated by the program web portal.

  6. Decrypt the S/MIME token.

  7. Upload the token file to the MDM server.

The token consists of these 4 items: the consumer key, the consumer secret, the access token, and the access secret. See Examining Server Tokens for more details.

Generate the license. After running this command, a file called iourc.txt will be created. Copy and paste the license key in the file to the Preference IOS on. May 17, 2015  It was not very clear to me but now I understand why there is no windows version of this script. You need to run it from the shell of your GNSVM and not from your main operating system. Sep 25, 2016  This text can be changed from the Miscellaneous section of the settings page. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, cras ut imperdiet augue. /usr/bin/python3 print('.') print('Cisco IOU License Generator - Kal 2011, python port of 2006 C version') import os import socket import hashlib import struct. Cisco IOU License Generator - Kal 2011, python port of 2006 C version. Download cisco iou key generator.

Deploy the Server Token

The server tokens can be deployed automatically or manually.


The MDM server must automatically decrypt this file when it's uploaded to the system, using the private key for the DEP web services.


Use the private key and an S/MIME encryption utility to manually decrypt the encrypted token file before it is uploaded to the MDM server. The MDM server then uses the plain-text token file for authentication with the DEP services.

Use the OAuth Credentials

Each service request to the MDM enrollment service must include an X-ADM-Auth-Session header. If the request does not have a valid X-ADM-Auth-Session header, or the auth token has expired, the server returns an HTTP 401 Unauthorized error. A new X-ADM-Auth-Session can be requested by using the endpoint. This endpoint supports the OAuth 1.0a protocol for accessing protected resources.

OAuth requests must provide the server-token fields along with a timestamp (in seconds since January 1, 1970 00:00:00 GMT) and a cryptographically random nonce that must be unique for all requests made with a given timestamp. Sign the request using HMAC-SHA1, as described in A request might look like:


Multiline headers are deprectated in RFC7230, though are presented above on multiple lines for readability. Your app should use a single line for its request.

Public Key Token Error

The token service validates the request and replies with a JSON payload containing a single key, auth_session_token, that contains the new X-ADM-Auth-Session token. A sample response might look like:

After a period of time, the token expires and the service returns a 401 error code. When this happens, the MDM server must request a new session token.


The Device Enrollment Program service periodically issues a new X-ADM-Auth-Session in its response to other service calls. The MDM server should use this new header value in subsequent calls.


Examining Server Tokens

View sample encrypted and unencrypted tokens to verify your server tokens are in the right format.

Interpreting Error Codes

Interpret the error codes you might encounter or that can happen during authentication.

The program helps to back the files from mp3, and mp4 players. Key generator for games. It supports more than 500 several formats in digital devices.

See Also

Authenticating Through Web Views

Use your own custom web interfaces to authenticate users.


This topic describes tasks and procedures that you can perform to ensure that your AD FS token signing and token decryption certificates are up to date.

Token signing certificates are standard X509 certificates that are used to securely sign all tokens that the federation server issues. Token decryption certificates are standard X509 certificates that are used to decrypt any incoming tokens. They are also published in federation metadata.

For additional information see Certificate Requirements

Determine whether AD FS renews the certificates automatically

By default, AD FS is configured to generate token signing and token decryption certificates automatically, both at the initial configuration time and when the certificates are approaching their expiration date.

You can run the following Windows PowerShell command: Get-AdfsProperties.

The AutoCertificateRollover property describes whether AD FS is configured to renew token signing and token decrypting certificates automatically.

If AutoCertificateRollover is set to TRUE, the AD FS certificates will be renewed and configured in AD FS automatically. Once the new certificate is configured, in order to avoid an outage, you must ensure that each federation partner (represented in your AD FS farm by either relying party trusts or claims provider trusts) is updated with this new certificate.

If AD FS is not configured to renew token signing and token decrypting certificates automatically (if AutoCertificateRollover is set to False), AD FS will not automatically generate or start using new token signing or token decrypting certificates. You will have to perform these tasks manually.

If AD FS is configured to renew token signing and token decrypting certificates automatically (AutoCertificateRollover is set to TRUE), you can determine when they will be renewed:

CertificateGenerationThreshold describes how many days in advance of the certificate's Not After date a new certificate will be generated.

CertificatePromotionThreshold determines how many days after the new certificate is generated that it will be promoted to be the primary certificate (in other words, AD FS will start using it to sign tokens it issues and decrypt tokens from identity providers).

If AD FS is configured to renew token signing and token decrypting certificates automatically (AutoCertificateRollover is set to TRUE), you can determine when they will be renewed:

  • CertificateGenerationThreshold describes how many days in advance of the certificate's Not After date a new certificate will be generated.
  • CertificatePromotionThreshold determines how many days after the new certificate is generated that it will be promoted to be the primary certificate (in other words, AD FS will start using it to sign tokens it issues and decrypt tokens from identity providers).

Determine when the current certificates expire

You can use the following procedure to identify the primary token signing and token decrypting certificates and to determine when the current certificates expire.

You can run the following Windows PowerShell command: Get-AdfsCertificate –CertificateType token-signing (or Get-AdfsCertificate –CertificateType token-decrypting). Or you can examine the current certificates in the MMC: Service->Certificates.

The certificate for which the IsPrimary value is set to True is the certificate that AD FS is currently using.

The date shown for the Not After is the date by which a new primary token signing or decrypting certificate must be configured.

To ensure service continuity, all federation partners (represented in your AD FS farm by either relying party trusts or claims provider trusts) must consume the new token signing and token decryption certificates prior to this expiration. We recommend that you begin planning for this process at least 60 days in advance.

Generating a new self-signed certificate manually prior to the end of the grace period

You can use the following steps to generate a new self-signed certificate manually prior to the end of the grace period.

  1. Ensure that you are logged on to the primary AD FS server.
  2. Open Windows PowerShell and run the following command: Add-PSSnapin 'microsoft.adfs.powershell'
  3. Optionally, you can check the current signing certificates in AD FS. To do so, run the following command: Get-ADFSCertificate –CertificateType token-signing. Look at the command output to see the Not After dates of any certificates listed.
  4. To generate a new certificate, execute the following command to renew and update the certificates on the AD FS server: Update-ADFSCertificate –CertificateType token-signing.
  5. Verify the update by running the following command again: Get-ADFSCertificate –CertificateType token-signing
  6. Two certificates should be listed now, one of which has a Not After date of approximately one year in the future and for which the IsPrimary value is False.


To avoid a service outage, update the certificate information on Azure AD by running the steps in the How to update Azure AD with a valid token-signing certificate.

If you're not using self-signed certificates…

If you are not using the default automatically generated, self-signed token signing and token decryption certificates, you must renew and configure these certificates manually.

First, you must obtain a new certificate from your certificate authority and import it into the local machine personal certificate store on each federation server. For instructions, see the Import a Certificate article.

Then you must configure this certificate as the secondary AD FS token signing or decryption certificate. (You configure it as a secondary certificate to allow your federation partners enough time to consume this new certificate before you promote it to the primary certificate).

To configure a new certificate as a secondary certificate

  1. Open PowerShell and run the following: Set-ADFSProperties -AutoCertificateRollover $false
  2. Once you have imported the certificate. Open the AD FS Management console.
  3. Expand Service and then select Certificates.
  4. In the Actions pane, click Add Token-Signing Certificate.
  5. Select the new certificate from the list of displayed certificates, and then click OK.
  6. Open PowerShell and run the following: Set-ADFSProperties -AutoCertificateRollover $true


Ensure the new certificate has a private key associated with it and that the AD FS service account is granted Read permissions to the private key. Verify this on each federation server. To do so, in the Certificates snap-in, right-click the new certificate, click All Tasks, and then click Manage Private Keys.

Once you've allowed enough time for your federation partners to consume your new certificate (either they pull your federation metadata or you send them the public key of your new certificate), you must promote the secondary certificate to primary certificate.

To promote the new certificate from secondary to primary

  1. Open the AD FS Management console.
  2. Expand Service and then select Certificates.
  3. Click the secondary token signing certificate.
  4. In the Actions pane, click Set As Primary. Click Yes at the confirmation prompt.

Updating federation partners

Partners who can consume Federation Metadata

Generate Megasol Public Key Token Download

If you have renewed and configure a new token signing or token decryption certificate, you must make sure that the all your federation partners (resource organization or account organization partners that are represented in your AD FS by relying party trusts and claims provider trusts) have picked up the new certificates.

Partners who can NOT consume Federation Metadata

If your federation partners cannot consume your federation metadata, you must manually send them the public key of your new token-signing / token-decrypting certificate. Send your new certificate public key (.cer file or .p7b if you wish to include the entire chain) to all of your resource organization or account organization partners (represented in your AD FS by relying party trusts and claims provider trusts). Have the partners implement changes on their side to trust the new certificates.

Promote to primary (if AutoCertificateRollover is False)

If AutoCertificateRollover is set to False, AD FS will not automatically generate or start using new token signing or token decrypting certificates. You will have to perform these tasks manually.After allowing a sufficient period of time for all of your federation partners to consume the new secondary certificate, promote this secondary certificate to primary (in the MMC snap-in, click the secondary token signing certificate and in the Actions pane, click Set As Primary.)

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Updating Azure AD

Generate Megasol Public Key Token Key

AD FS provides single sign-on access to Microsoft cloud services such as Office 365 by authenticating users via their existing AD DS credentials. For additional information on using certificates see Renew federation certificates for Office 365 and Azure AD.