How Ethereum Private Keys Are Generated

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  1. You can generate a secp256k1 keypair using OpenSSL, but converting that to an Ethereum address is a bit tricky. The issue is that converting a secp256k1 public key into an address requires the keccak-256 hash function, which is not commonly used and thus will not be built into OpenSSL or GPG.
  2. Mar 28, 2019 It is important to note that these digital keys are not stored on cryptocurrency networks themselves, and are instead, stored and created by cryptocurrency wallets, which exist independently of the network. These keys are generated in pairs, consisting of a public key and a private key.

Ethereum Random Bitcoin Private Keys. Random Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Dogecoin private key generator. Generate a random private keys in WIF, hex or decimal formats. Total balance on the page: Private Key (HEX) Bitcoin Address (Compressed) Bitcoin Address (Uncompressed). Nov 22, 2019  If you are using Node.js, you can use the package called “ethereumjs-wallet” to generate Ethereum private keys and addresses. This is official package provided and maintained by the Ethereum JavaScript community. To generate Ethereum addresses, follow these steps: Step 1: Create Node project To create a new Node project, create a new folder and initialize ….

Simple script collection, currently in bash and python format, to generate a complete offline Ethereum wallet by creating an ECDSA keypair and derive its Ethereum address.

You can read my article about it here:

IMPORTANT The python version of this script has been updated to support mixed-case checksum address encoding through EIP55.

Python dependencies

  • pysha3

You can also use the included requirements.txt file to install them

Bash dependencies

  • OpenSSL
  • SHA3sum (keccak-256sum)

Compiled, statically linked versions of the keccak-256sum executable are available in the lib folder of this repo for i386 and x86_64.

Importing private key to geth

You can use the generated private key to import in to geth (

Office professional plus key generator. Note that geth will ask you immediately to choose a passphrase to protect the newly imported key.


Someone has been quietly pilfering Ethereum (ETH) cryptocurrency worth millions of dollars without anyone noticing or, apparently, caring.

How Ethereum Private Keys Are Generated In California

The discovery was made by researchers at Independent Security Evaluators (ISE) who decided to search Ethereum’s blockchain for evidence of a surprisingly simple weakness that might allow criminals to divert funds from user wallets.

Wallets should be protected by a randomly-generated 256-bit private key, which puts the probability of their discovery at around 1 in 2256 ­­- an unimaginably vast number.

Using a computer capable of generating 100 trillion keys per second, brute forcing such an address would take so long ISE researcher Adrian Bednarek compares it to tossing grain of sand on a beach and asking someone to find it.

That’s the theory of key generation. But the problem is how the principle appears to have been implemented by fallible software.

What if that key had accidentally been generated with a value of 1? It sounds highly unlikely, however, Bednarek’s hunch that this might have happened turned out to be correct. There had once been an incredibly weak Ethereum private key corresponding to this value, as well as many other trivial equivalents.

Querying this with, which records transactions, Bednarek discovered that this key identified a wallet that had received 592 transactions, the currency from which had immediately been emptied as soon as it was received.

Expanding the same principle to look for other simple keys amidst 34 billion addresses, he discovered 732 responsible for 49,060 transactions dating back to 2015.


All had been emptied, around a dozen to a single address that appeared to belong to an individual or group dubbed the “blockchainbandit” which had worked out how to exploit the weakness. Says Bednarek in his video explanation:

There is a guy who was going around siphoning money from some of the keys we had access to. It’s statistically improbable he’d have guessed those keys by chance.

After falls in the value of Ethereum, today these would be worth around $7.4 million although at January 2018’s Ethereum peak it would have been over $54 million.

Ethereum Private Network

As intriguing as this discovery sounds – blockchain wallets are being preyed on by nearly invisible thieves – the point here is how such a phenomenon was made possible in the first place.

ISE’s researchers aren’t certain but suggest several possibilities, starting with simple coding errors that cause very weak private keys (i.e. single-number values) to be generated by accident.

Another possibility were keys generated by blockchain ‘brainwallet’ software from weak passphrases. Explains Bendarek:

How Ethereum Private Keys Are Generated Free

Let’s say you use the passphrase abc123 to generate a private key. Another person who uses abc123 will get the same private key.

Ethereum Private Key Example

Incredibly, some wallets were even allowing people to create private keys simply by leaving passphrase fields empty and hitting the return key.

One way to undo past errors (if not return stolen currency) would be an Ethereum hard fork of the type that happened in 2016 after the infamous attack on DAO that led to the loss of $50 million.

Ethereum Private Key

Another would be to scan cryptographic algorithms for key generation errors, something the research suggests has not been happening.

As impressive as the ISE research is, the shame is that it happened after the damage was done. It’s not big news that blockchains have flaws but finding ones that could lead to millions of dollars of theft surely shouldn’t be left to chance discovery.