Generate Snk File From Public Key

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Two steps are required to extract Public Key Token from.snk file using the sn.exe. Extract the Public Key from YourFile.snk using sn.exe and write it to Token.snk. Sn -p YourFile.snk Token.snk. Extract the Public Key Token from Token.snk using sn.exe and write it to PublicToken.txt. Sn -t Token.snk PublicToken.txt. Use the following sequence of commands with the Strong Name tool to generate a keyfile and to display its public key. For more information, see Sn.exe (Strong Name tool). Generate a strong-name key for this example and store it in the file FriendAssemblies.snk: sn -k FriendAssemblies.snk.

--> file is your public key, and the other file is the corresponding private key. If you don’t have these files (or you don’t even have a.ssh directory), you can create them by running a program called ssh-keygen, which is provided with the SSH package on Linux/macOS systems and comes with Git for Windows. Apr 17, 2012 Get PublicKey from.snk file to use for InternalsVisibleTo April 17, 2012 When you want to unit test internal members in a Visual Studio project you can add this to the AssemblyInfo.cs file in the project you want to unit test. Crt and key files represent both parts of a certificate, key being the private key to the certificate and crt being the signed certificate. It's only one of the ways to generate certs, another way would be having both inside a pem file or another in a p12 container.

This example shows how to use friend assemblies with assemblies that have strong names. Both assemblies must be strong named. Although both assemblies in this example use the same keys, you could use different keys for two assemblies.

Create a signed assembly and a friend assembly

  1. Open a command prompt.

  2. Use the following sequence of commands with the Strong Name tool to generate a keyfile and to display its public key. For more information, see Sn.exe (Strong Name tool).

    1. Generate a strong-name key for this example and store it in the file FriendAssemblies.snk:

      sn -k FriendAssemblies.snkKey generator office 2010 pro.

    2. Extract the public key from FriendAssemblies.snk and put it into FriendAssemblies.publickey:

      sn -p FriendAssemblies.snk FriendAssemblies.publickey

    3. Display the public key stored in the file FriendAssemblies.publickey:

      sn -tp FriendAssemblies.publickey

  3. Create a C# or Visual Basic file named friend_signed_A that contains the following code. The code uses the InternalsVisibleToAttribute attribute to declare friend_signed_B as a friend assembly.

    The Strong Name tool generates a new public key every time it runs. Therefore, you must replace the public key in the following code with the public key you just generated, as shown in the following example.

  4. Compile and sign friend_signed_A by using the following command.

  5. Create a C# or Visual Basic file named friend_signed_B that contains the following code. Because friend_signed_A specifies friend_signed_B as a friend assembly, the code in friend_signed_B can access internal (C#) or Friend (Visual Basic) types and members from friend_signed_A. The file contains the following code.

  6. Google maps javascript api v2 key generator. Compile and sign friend_signed_B by using the following command.

    The name of the assembly generated by the compiler must match the friend assembly name passed to the InternalsVisibleToAttribute attribute. You must explicitly specify the name of the output assembly (.exe or .dll) by using the -out compiler option. For more information, see -out (C# compiler options) or -out (Visual Basic).

  7. Run the friend_signed_B.exe file.

    The program outputs the string Class1.Test.

.NET security

There are similarities between the InternalsVisibleToAttribute attribute and the StrongNameIdentityPermission class. The main difference is that StrongNameIdentityPermission can demand security permissions to run a particular section of code, whereas the InternalsVisibleToAttribute attribute controls the visibility of internal (C#) or Friend (Visual Basic) types and members.

Generate Snk File From Public Key System

See also